Von Mises material with isotropic and kinematic hardening

Author(s): Olli Väinölä olli.vainola@student.oulu.fi

In this notebook is an small tutorial, how to create a Von Mises material with hardening. Equations are formulated into rate depended form. Code may or may not include some bugs..

Theory section

Continuum equations


$\sigma = C : \epsilon^e$

$C$ is material tensor and $\epsilon$ total strain. Total strain is divided into elastic and plastic part:

$\epsilon = \epsilon^e + \epsilon^p$

now let's define a strain rate, which is strain increment divide with time increment $dt$

$\frac{d\epsilon}{dt} = \dot \epsilon = \dot \epsilon^e + \dot \epsilon^p$

Now same procedure for stress and substitute $\dot \epsilon^e$

$\dot \sigma = C : \dot \epsilon^e = C : (\dot \epsilon - \dot \epsilon^p )$

Only thing to do is to define yield function. Now we're using Von Mises material:

$f(\sigma - X, R(\alpha)) = \sqrt{3J_2(\sigma-X))} - R(\alpha)$ = 0

$f(\sigma, \sigma_y) = \sqrt{3J_2(\sigma))} - \sigma_y$ = 0

$J_2 = \frac{1}{2}s : s$

$s = \sigma - \frac{1}{3}\sigma I$

$I = eye(3)$

In [1]:
# imports
using PyPlot
using ForwardDiff
using NLsolve

Let's create a isotropic Hooke material.

In [7]:
Create a isotropic Hooke material matrix C 

More information: # http://www.efunda.com/formulae/solid_mechanics/mat_mechanics/hooke_isotropic.cfm

    E: Float
        Elastic modulus
    ν: Float
        Poisson constant

    Array{Float64, (6,6)}
function hookeStiffnessTensor(E, ν)
    a = 1 - ν
    b = 1 - 2*ν
    c = 1 + ν
    multiplier = E / (b * c)
    return Float64[a ν ν 0 0 0;
                   ν a ν 0 0 0;
                   ν ν a 0 0 0;
                   0 0 0 b 0 0;
                   0 0 0 0 b 0;
                   0 0 0 0 0 b].*multiplier

# Pick material values
E = 200.0e3
ν =  0.3
C = hookeStiffnessTensor(E, ν)

6x6 Array{Float64,2}:
 2.69231e5  1.15385e5  1.15385e5  0.0        0.0        0.0      
 1.15385e5  2.69231e5  1.15385e5  0.0        0.0        0.0      
 1.15385e5  1.15385e5  2.69231e5  0.0        0.0        0.0      
 0.0        0.0        0.0        1.53846e5  0.0        0.0      
 0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        1.53846e5  0.0      
 0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        1.53846e5

Defining equations for the calculation

Functions are defined for strain controller simulation

In [178]:
# using vectors with double contradiction
# http://www-2.unipv.it/compmech/teaching/available/const_mod/const_mod_mat-review_notation.pdf
M = [1 0 0 0 0 0;
     0 1 0 0 0 0;
     0 0 1 0 0 0;
     0 0 0 2 0 0;
     0 0 0 0 2 0;
     0 0 0 0 0 2;]

Equivalent tensile stress. 

More info can be found from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Mises_yield_criterion
    Section: Reduced von Mises equation for different stress conditions

    σ: Array{Float64, 6}
        Stress in Voigt notation

function σₑ(σ)
    s = σ[1:6] - 1/3 * sum([σ[1], σ[2], σ[3]]) * [1 1 1 0 0 0]'
    return sqrt(3/2 * s' * M * s)[1]

# Some extra data for testing purposes ...
#ss = σ[1]
#return sqrt(sum(ss.^2))

Von Mises Yield criterion

More info can be found from: http://csm.mech.utah.edu/content/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/9tutorialOnJ2Plasticity.pdf

    σ: Array{Float64, 6}
        Stress in Voigt notation
    k: Float64
        Material constant, Yield limit

function vonMisesYield(σ, k)
    σₑ(σ) - k

Function for NLsolve. Inside this function are the functions where we want to find root.
Ψ is the yield function below. Functions defined here:

    dσ - C (dϵ - dλ*dΨ/dσ) = 0
                 σₑ(σ) - k = 0

    params: Array{Float64, 7}
        Array containing values from solver
    dϵ: Array{Float64, 6}
        Strain rate vector in Voigt notation
    C: Array{Float64, (6, 6)}
        Material tensor
    k: Float
        Material constant, yield limit
    Δt: Float
        time increment
    σ_begin:Array{Float64, 6}
        Stress vector in Voigt notation
    p: Float
        Accumulated plastic strain
    X: Array{Float64, 6}
        Kinematic hardening tensor
    R: Function
        Calculates isotropic hardening as a function of accumulated plastic strain
        Accumulated kinematic evolution variable
    dα: Function
        Calculates kinematic evolution variables rate as a function of accumulated plastic slip rate
    fX: Function
        Calculates the kinematic 

    Array{Float64, 7}, return values for solver
function G(params, , C, σ_begin, p, X, R, fX, ϵp)
    # Initializing wrapper
    yield(pars) = vonMisesYield(pars, R(p))
    dfdσ        = ForwardDiff.gradient(yield)
    # Initializing variables
     = params[1:6]
     = params[end]

    # Total strain
    σ_new = σ_begin + 
    σ_shifted = vec(σ_new - X)
    # Creating wrapper for gradient
    dΨdσ = dfdσ(σ_shifted)[1:6]

    # Calculating plastic strain rate
    dϵp =  * dΨdσ

    # Updating material parameters
    ϵp_new = ϵp + dϵp
    dp = sqrt(2 / 3 * double_contraction(dϵp))
    p_test = p + dp
    # new hardening variables
    R_ = R(p_test)
    X_ = fX(ϵp_new)

    # Evaluating equations
    function_1 =  - C * ( - dϵp)
    function_2 = vonMisesYield(σ_new - X_, R_)
    [vec(function_1); function_2]

This is a novice implementation for double contraction, a=b:c

    a: Array{Float64, 6}

function double_contraction(a; b=a)
    indexes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6]
    summation = 0
    for i in indexes
        summation += a[i]*b[i]

Function which calculates the stress. Also handles if any yielding happens

    dϵ: Array{Float64, 6}
        Strain rate vector in Voigt notation
    Δt: Float
        time increment
    σ: Array{Float64, 6}
        Last stress vector in Voigt notation
    C: Array{Float64, (6, 6)}
        Material tensor
    p: Float
        Accumulated plastic strain
    X: Array{Float64, 6}
        Kinematic hardening tensor
    R: Function
        Calculates isotropic hardening as a function of accumulated plastic strain
        Accumulated kinematic evolution variable
    dα: Function
        Calculates kinematic evolution variables rate as a function of accumulated plastic slip rate
    fX: Function
        Calculates the kinematic 

        returns following parameters: p, X, α, σ. See Parameters for definitions
function calculate_stress(, σ, C, p, X, R, fX, ϵp)

    # Test stress
    σ_tria = σ + C * 

    # Calculating yield
    yield = vonMisesYield(σ_tria - X, R(p))

    if yield > 0
        # Yielding happened
        # Creating functions for newton: xₙ₊₁ = xₙ - df⁻¹ * f and initial values
        initial_guess = [vec(σ_tria - σ); 0.1]
        f(σ_)  = G(σ_, , C, σ, p, X, R, fX, ϵp)
        df     = ForwardDiff.jacobian(f)
        # Calculating root 
        result = nlsolve(not_in_place(f, df), initial_guess).zero
        # Extracting values
        σ  += result[1:6]        
          = result[end]
        # Wrapper for gradient
        yield_f(σ_) = vonMisesYield(σ_, R(p))
        dfdσ_ = ForwardDiff.gradient(yield_f)
        dΨdσ = dfdσ_(vec(σ)-X)
        # Stress rate and plastic strain rate
        dϵᵖ =  * dΨdσ
        ϵp = ϵp + dϵᵖ
        # Updating matrial parameters
        dp = sqrt(2/3 * double_contraction(dϵᵖ))
        p += dp
        X = fX(ϵp)
        σ = σ_tria
    return (p, X, σ, ϵp)

calculate_stress (generic function with 1 method)

Defining strain history

In the ideal plastic example, we only had tension stress. In this example we'll take it a bit further and calculate the cyclic strain

In [192]:
steps = 1000
strain_max = 0.003
num_cycles = 5

ϵ_tot = zeros(Float64, (steps, 6))
ϵ_tot2 = zeros(Float64, (steps, 6))
ϵ_tot3 = zeros(Float64, (steps, 6))

# Adding only strain in x-axis and counting for the poisson effect
ϵ_tot[:, 1] = strain_max * sin(2 * pi * linspace(0, num_cycles, steps))
ϵ_tot[:, 2] = strain_max * sin(2 * pi * linspace(0, num_cycles, steps)).*-ν
ϵ_tot[:, 3] = strain_max * sin(2 * pi * linspace(0, num_cycles, steps)).*-ν


Hardening evolution equations

Followig equations are in charge of evolution of isotropic and kinematic parameters

In [193]:
function isotropic_hardening(ϵp_cum, R0, Q)
    return R0 + Q * ϵp_cum

function kinematic_hardening(ϵp, C)
    return 2/3 * C * ϵp

kinematic_hardening (generic function with 1 method)


Ok, we're good to go! Now we just need to define yield limit and the main loop.

This simulation is not time dependent, but since it's already defined in the equations we'll give it value 1

In [195]:
ϵ_last = zeros(Float64, (6)) # Last total strain
ϵᵖ = zeros(Float64, (6))  # Plastic strain
σ = zeros(Float64, (6, 1)) # Stress

ss = Float64[] # plotting stress
ee = Float64[] # plotting strain
pp = Float64[] # plotting strain

# Isotropic hardening
σy =  200.0 # yield limit

# Kinematic hardening
Ck = 2000.0  # saturation hardening C/D
X = zeros(Float64, 6) # kinematic hardening tensor

p = 0.0 # Accumulated plastic strain

# Isotropic hardening
R(ϵp_cum) = isotropic_hardening(ϵp_cum, σy, σy)

# kinematic hardening
fX(ϵp) = kinematic_hardening(ϵp, Ck)

for i=1:steps
    # Actual calculation
     = reshape(ϵ_tot[i, :, :], (6, 1)) - ϵ_last
    p, X, σ, ϵᵖ = calculate_stress(, σ, C, p, X, R, fX, ϵᵖ)
    ϵ_last += 
    push!(ss, σ[1])
    push!(ee, ϵ_last[1])
    push!(pp, p)
PyPlot.plot(ee, ss)
PyPlot.title("Stress-Strain curve")

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